Tara Nacholi Evans, a 52-year-old resident of Rome, was apprehended this week for allegedly driving under the influence of drugs after failing to stop at a stop sign located on Blacks Bluff Road. Following the traffic violation, officers conducted a routine traffic stop. In response to their inquiries, Evans disclosed that she had consumed marijuana approximately 20 minutes before being pulled over.
During the subsequent search of her vehicle, authorities discovered less than one ounce of marijuana. As a result, Evans is facing multiple charges including possession of marijuana, driving under the influence (DUI), and violating traffic regulations by not stopping at a stop sign. This incident highlights the ongoing issue of drug-impaired driving and its legal implications.
In summary, Tara Nacholi Evans was arrested for driving under the influence after running a stop sign while high on marijuana. The situation escalated when law enforcement discovered marijuana in her car. Evans now faces several charges that reflect the serious nature of drug-related driving offenses, emphasizing the importance of adhering to traffic laws and driving safely.